One of my all time favorite things to do when I was younger was have massive collections of random things. The littlest pet shop was something I became obsessed with.
I actually had this set! Hours of entertainment.
Similar to the littlest pet shop is pound puppies! Which actually had kittens too. This was also a pretty terrible TV show.

This next toy wasn't all that popular but I really loved them. Bundle of Babies!!

Who could forget the high tech toys too, such as Tamagotchi and Giga Pets? I think my record of keeping my Tamagotchi alive was two consecutive days. I'm going to be a great mother someday!

Krystal Princesses. There is a commercial on youtube from 1992 for these little dolls and it's pretty hilarious.

Finally, a doll in a snow globe! Where have you been all my life?
Fairy winkles. Tiny naked fairy babies that sleep in a huge sparkly clam shell. Every little girl's dream toy, obviously.

Oh, God, treasure trolls. I must have had like 30 of these creepy little things. Not sure why everyone loved trolls so much back then. This one was my favorite.

Wonder world was always a really fun toy too! My brother had a space ship one and he dumped it on his carpet.

Adding to the list of creepy toys of the 90s is the furby. This toy seriously scared me and 90% of the human population. "Me hungry!"

I will definitely make a 90s toys part two!